Drug Offense – Jan. 6
At 9:12 p.m., a Resident Life Coordinator reported smells of marijuana in Louise Anderson Hall. Eastern Washington University Police went to the room they believed it was coming from and asked to search the student. The student declined to be searched and was referred to Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Drug Offense – Jan. 8
At 11:20 p.m., an RLC reported that a group came into Snyamncut Hall smelling of marijuana. The students said they had smoked off campus earlier. Police found no evidence of a crime and the students were referred to SRR.
Citizen Contact – Jan. 9
A parent reported concerns about their student’s roommate, thinking there may have been a conflict. Police looked into it and found no issues between the roommates. The student lives in Pearce Hall.
Assault – Jan. 13
At 1:56 a.m. Cheney police received a call about an alcohol overdose. One student reported they were assaulted at a private residence just north of Snyamncut. The student who was assaulted was transferred for injuries and over intoxication. This is an ongoing criminal investigation and the students were referred to SRR.
Liquor Violation – Jan. 13
Louise Anderson Hall Community Advisors were doing a nightly walk-through when they found an alcohol bottle in a students room. They reported it to EWU Police at 9:30 p.m. The student handed over the alcohol to police and was referred to SRR.
Liquor Violation – Jan. 14
An RLC called the police at 9:51 p.m. reporting possible alcohol in a students room at Louise Anderson Hall. Police knocked on the door and found the alcohol. The resident claimed the alcohol belonged to another student, who lived off campus. EWU Police detective Robert Schmitter said that officers told the student that this still is considered a minor in possession. No criminal charges were filed and the student was referred to SRR.
Citizen Contact – Jan. 14
At 11:02 p.m. a Pearce Hall Community Advisor reported hearing sounds of a taser coming from the eighth floor. The student admitted to having a taser and handed it over voluntarily. It did not appear to be used in a threatening manner. A report was taken and the student was referred to SRR.
Cyber Harassment – Jan. 16
A Louise Anderson Hall resident reported to their CA that they were being harassed on social media. It is unknown whether the person on social media involved is a student.
Harassment – Jan. 16
On Jan. 15, a male student reported to their CA that they were being harassed and potentially threatened by a female student. He said that she was sending him messages over TikTok accusing him of condoning rape and claiming he had abused her during sexual relations. He also said she was sending videos in which a taser was being sparked. It was confirmed that the two did previously have a sexual relationship that was consensual. The case was referred to Title IX.
Liquor Violation – Jan. 17
At 9:00 p.m. it was reported that there was an intoxicated minor at Reese Court, which was hosting the Stinky Sneaker high school basketball rivalry game. The minor was turned over to their high school’s resource officer. No citations were made.
Theft – Jan. 18
At 8:38 a.m. a student reported that their black Jetson electric bike was stolen from outside the P.E. Activities Building. She said she has parked it there many times before with no issue. EWU Police are still trying to find the bike.
Hit and Run – Jan. 22
At 12:25 p.m. a student reported damage to her car, parked outside of Kingston Hall. Police have not found a suspect.
Harassment – Jan. 23
At 5:39 p.m., a CA at Pearce Hall called police due to a male student making a female student feel uncomfortable. The female student reported that he had sent her messages that felt inappropriate. The messages were sexual in nature but not threatening. The case was found to not be criminal.
Attempted Burglary – Jan. 24
At 6:34 a.m., a Surbeck Services employee called in to report that 20 minutes earlier, an individual was picking up various tools. When asked by the employee what he was doing, he said he was looking for a job application. He was then asked to leave, which he did. EWU Police were first on the scene, but the suspect was gone. No items were reported stolen.
Suspicious Circumstance – Jan. 28
At 2:06 p.m., a student called with concerns about a potential list of people another student wanted to kill on their fridge. Officers spoke with the student and determined there was no direct threat or indication of carrying out the plan. The case was referred to SRR.
Theft – Jan. 31
An unsecured bike was stolen between Pearce Hall and the Interdisciplinary Science Building. Police have not found a suspect and the bike has not been recovered.
Hit and run – Jan. 31
At 2:37 p.m., a student reported damage to their car parked in a lot next to Hargreaves Hall. Police have not found a suspect.
Liquor Violation – Feb. 2
At 12:45 a.m., a female student was observed by a CA walking from the bathroom with an empty bottle of alcohol in hand. The CA followed the student to her room and said she admitted that she had just come back from a party. The CA called EWU Police, who reminded the student that alcohol is not allowed in the dorms. The case was referred to SRR.
Malicious Mischief – Feb. 3
At 1 p.m., a sorority that uses Dressler Hall for their meetings reported to police that a window had been broken. A responding officer recorded that it did not appear that anyone had tried to enter the building, but it did not look accidental. There are no suspects.
Malicious Mischief – Feb. 6
On Jan. 6, graffiti was reported at Louise Anderson Hall on the bathroom towel dispenser. It was not gang or bias related. There are no suspects.
Theft – Feb. 10
At 10:45 p.m., a male was reported leaving the women’s basketball locker room with numerous food items taken from the snack refrigerator. The suspect was found and arrested.
Suspicious Circumstances – Feb. 12
At 7:50 p.m., the pool manager for the EWU Aquatic Center called police to report that an hour earlier, a male wearing a Washington State University sweatshirt was filming with a phone or camera in the men’s restroom. The area was checked and the suspect was not found.
Harassment – Feb. 13
At 9:33 a.m., a student reported to their Synamacut RLC about possible retaliation to an incident of harassment in the first quarter. The student said that they felt they were being harassed over a social media platform known as YikYak, where local people can post anonymously. Someone had posted that this student had used racial slurs, and the student feared that this would lead to someone confronting them. The case was referred to SRR.
DV Argument – Feb. 13
At 11:16 a.m., EWU police received a call from a parent that their daughter and her boyfriend had gotten into a fight the night before. Police followed up with both parties and determined that there was no probable cause of assault or any other violent crimes. Due to the fact that they live off campus it was referred to Cheney police, Title IX and SRR.
Extortion – Feb. 14
At 5:05 p.m., a male in Streeter Hall reported meeting a female on a dating app. He told police that the conversation turned sexual, and the female was able to convince him to download an encrypted messaging app known as Telegram. The student reported that he was walked through how to use the app and was then sent photos that he realized was not the female. He told police that he was then convinced to expose himself before growing uncomfortable and ending the conversation. Immediately after, he was sent a message saying to send $500 to someone in the Philippines or his photos would be sent to people he knew. There are no suspects or leads.
Collision Report – Feb. 14
At 7:51 p.m., police reported a car that had slid off the road. The car stopped working after hitting a no parking sign and the curb. Nobody was injured in the accident.
DV Arrest – Feb. 18
At 1:15 p.m., a call came in reporting that on First Street and F Street a male was in his car and following a walking female who was asking to be left alone. They were witnessed to be having a verbal argument. The male subject had a warrant out and was arrested for an unrelated crime.
Suspicious Circumstances – Feb. 20
At 4:31 p.m., EWU Police were referred to a case from Title IX of a subject running a tutoring program that was unrelated to the school. The tutor was accused of being inappropriate with a student. The student then broke a contract they had due to being uncomfortable with working with him and he was demanding payment. Police referred the student to civil court.
Theft – Feb. 21
At 11:47 a.m., a student reported that their cross body bag was stolen from an employee locker at Tawanka Hall. There are no suspects.
Theft – Feb. 21
At 1:15 p.m., a report came in that a guitar had been stolen from the music building. The guitar had an AirTag on it and was found in Spokane at the house of someone who is not a student. The suspect was arrested and booked by the Spokane Police Department.
DV Protection Order Violation – Feb. 24
On Feb. 24, a victim who has a protection order against an ex-boyfriend received 50 calls from unknown numbers in one night. EWU Police are currently investigating the numbers and it is an on-going case.