Spokane art event puts spotlight on local artists
Art from many young local artists fill Spokane’s Music City Building at the 6th Annual Terrain Show.
October 9, 2013
2013 marked the sixth year of the annual art event Terrain 6 in the Music City Building in Spokane on Oct. 4.
According to Terrain’s website, this year there were over 200 pieces selected from the over 700 submissions. The selection process was made by six area professionals one of which was EWU Design Professor Travis Masingale.
“Terrain offers young people the next step in showcasing their work,” said Masingale.
The event allowed over 100 artists in the area the opportunity to showcase their work in a public setting.
“This year the jury consisted of six area professionals. We were emailed the submissions a few days prior to the selection to have a personal experience with the work. Then we [the six jury members] met and spent about six or seven hours going over the submissions,” said Masingale.
There is no set criterion for submissions to Terrain. Pieces submitted included music, interactive art, poetry and painting.
“Artists can submit anything. We are looking for polished craftsmanship that meets design or fine art standards. We really want something that speaks to us and says ‘Wow I haven’t seen that before,’” said Masingale.
Among the submissions were several EWU Students and Alumni. A few of the accepted submissions came from EWU students and alumni, which included Aaron Bocook, Kiefer Jones and Joe Snodgrass.
“This is my fourth time attending the event and the second time I have submitted a piece. My piece for this year is a TV with a reverse stencil that says ‘kill’. I wanted the ‘kill’ to come through and symbolize how TV has dumbed people down and limited us from reaching our full potential,” said Bocook.
However, this was the first time for Snodgrass, two of his pieces were selected for Terrain.
“I submitted some things that weren’t accepted for ideological reasons, but I am glad for the pieces that were selected. They were the most conceptual pieces. I have a print called ‘Charlemagne Sees the Cross’ based off of the story of Constantine seeing the cross and his claim of empowerment from that,” said Snodgrass
One of Snodgrass’s pieces that were accepted was a musical piece that was heard during the event .
“The audio pieces are more ambient and experimental. I dabble a little bit and have a re

cord label online,” said Snodgrass.
The event also featured a poetry reading by some students in the creative writing program. Other pieces included graffiti art and a theater area showing short films that were submitted.
“I have attended Terrain three or four times, but come to hobnob and see friends. I liked the movies they were showing and it was nice to get to sit down and relax,” said Justin Abel, EWU alumni and teaching assistant.
This year’s event was part of Spokane’s First Friday Art Walk and included activities outside the Music City Building including food trucks, shopping and street art.
This year’s event was well attended.
“I have actually never seen the line this long at Terrain. Maybe the word is getting out and everyone wants to be here,” said Abel.