EWU Commemorates African heritage with the Food Diaspora

Photo Taken by Photographer Emily Powers
February 6, 2023
EWU’s Africana Studies recently held the food diaspora on Feb. 3rd to celebrate Black History Month. The event held various foods from East and West Africa. Various foods such as lentil stew, kiki wot, spice chicken stew, and injera were available.
“It’s completely new for a lot of people. Many people here are saying it’s their first time trying it,” Rosie Rodriguez-Erehar, Africana Studies program coordinator/ recruiter, said.
The Africana Studies held this event as a way to celebrate and recognize African heritage.
Many of the foods we eat today have a history not many people know about. For example, sweet potatoes, rice, and yams were brought to America from Africa, Angela Schwediman, Africana Studies program director said. “It’s almost like a record of your culture and history.”
Food is also a great way to bring people together, Rodriguez-Erechar said. “Food at the end of the day brings us all together at the table and when we were talking about what foods to have.”
This event hoped to bring people together and spread knowledge about foods many people may have never tried before. Many foods and recipes have strong cultural and familial ties as well, bringing further connection.
“There’s a connection there, and that’s passed on from family member to family member to family member,” Schwendiman said. “My kids love gumbo and they make it too. That has been handed down from our family that that ties us together.”
For more events celebrating Black History Month, visit here.
“Everything brings us together at the end of the day,” Rodriguez-Erechar said.