Human decency not found

By Elsa Schmitz, Opinion Editor


While the whirlwind that surrounded the newly-opened downtown Spokane business Daiquiri Factory may have subsided for the moment, the movement that sparked the multiple protests of the establishment has not.

As a person who interacts with hundreds of strangers on any given day, I am aware of the dangers that lurk in the shadows thanks to the many stranger danger classes and talks I was given as a child. I’m not aware just because I am a young woman. I am aware because there are certain things that happen to people of all genders and identities that should not be taken lightly — and rape is one of those things.

The Daiquiri Factory appears to have none of that awareness, classily naming one of the drinks listed on the opening menu as “Date Grape Kool-Aid.” Not only is this a possible copyright infringement, but the association the drink’s name has with date rape caused outrage and sparked two protests of the business.

You think that this would cause the owner, Jaime Pendleton, to re-evaluate his drink naming methods. However, this was not the case, and his rather snarky comebacks to complaints and comments did nothing to help his image.

You see, there’s this thing called human decency. It’s the kind of feeling that makes you tear up when watching “Forrest Gump,” cringe when you see a poor skater kid fall directly onto a railing in a missed grind or give others using public restrooms that courtesy flush when things get a little too offensive.

This same feeling should, ideally, allow us to realize that hey, date rape is bad.

The drink name has since been changed to “Grape Q-Laid,” which, while seemingly less offensive, still manages to slip in a sexual violence joke in keeping the “grape.” Any sort of sexual allusion that contains that word will be perceived in a negative light, especially after the controversial name the drink first had.

We shouldn’t be putting the spotlight on rape culture, especially not when the survivors and those affected do not get enough support. We should be focusing on overcoming terrible situations and becoming whole again. We should focus on the survivor and not the awful person who ruined another person’s well-being.

While I myself am not a survivor, and cannot completely relate with those who are, I can wholeheartedly say that I am attempting to empathize to those who have faced difficult situations like this, and I know enough to not make a joke out of something that can be so damaging to a person’s well-being.