Editors’ Picks

By The Easterner, Editorial Board

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

I still like reading an actual book more than books off a Kindle, but it is hard to beat the convenience. It’s easy to grab and start reading because of how small and light it is, which makes me more likely to read. Instead of scrolling through stuff on my iPhone, I’ll read a few pages of a book instead. Also, if you have a library card, you can download books instantly wherever you are. They are fairly cheap for what they can do and you can check out Kindle’s from the JFK Library to test one out before buying. – Josh Fletcher


TURN: Washington’s Spies

Set during the fight for American independence, AMC’s “TURN: Washington’s Spies” tells the true story of America’s first spy ring. Abraham Woodhull (Jamie Bell), an unsuspecting cabbage farmer in Long Island, New York, is the linchpin to delivering verifiable intelligence from the Culper Ring into the hands of General George Washington (Ian Kahn) and Major Benjamin Tallmadge (Seth Numrich), the leader of the spy ring. What follows is four seasons of breathtaking drama with a terrific sense of realism thanks to the outstanding scenery, set designs and costumes. All four seasons of the show are available for streaming on Netflix. – Brandon Cline