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The Easterner

The independent, student-run news site of Eastern Washington University.

The Easterner

The independent, student-run news site of Eastern Washington University.

The Easterner


Liquor control board eyes rules for weed in bars

By Kyle Harding, Opinion Editor April 17, 2013

  [polldaddy poll=7043994] Two bar owners on the west side of the state have decided to test the boundaries of marijuana legalization by allowing its use in their establishments, and it appears...


Letter to the editor: Distracted driving puts lives in danger

April 12, 2013

I am writing to urge all of you fellow drivers to please be responsible and do not text or talk on the phone while you are driving. It is as dangerous and deadly as drinking and driving. Last Tuesday,...


Greek life beyond the stereotypes

April 11, 2013

By Katie Simpson contributing writer [email protected] Most often when Greek life is mentioned, people rush to the conclusion that everyone associated is involved with the activities of a...

Through the Eagle's Eye: Are you ever offended by TV shows?

Through the Eagle’s Eye: Are you ever offended by TV shows?

April 11, 2013

    Idaho legislature wants control of your television


Idaho legislature wants control of your television

By Kyle Harding, Opinion Editor April 10, 2013

[polldaddy poll=7028723]   If the content of a television show is offensive, should you turn the show off or turn to the federal government? Idaho lawmakers seem to think the latter. On March...


Do commuter students need their own dedicated place to eat, study and meet?

By Lorna Hartman, Staff Writer April 8, 2013

  While residence hall students can go to their rooms or to lounges in the residence halls to eat and study or just to escape classes, commuter students cannot go to their rooms. They use...

Star Wars club forces its way into campus

Star Wars club forces its way into campus

By Davis Hill, Staff Writer April 4, 2013

  After several years of deliberation, distraction and plain old procrastination, two friends are finally starting the club they always thought Eastern should have. This spring quarter,...

Money Saving Tips For Residence Hall Students

Money Saving Tips For Residence Hall Students

April 3, 2013

By Michael Barone [email protected] It's every college student's nightmare; finals week is in the midst of pillaging your brains and you need that last boost of energy to get through the waves of information....


Editorial: Military tuition assistance cut a play on the public’s sympathies

April 3, 2013

[email protected] In the wake of reduction in the growth of government spending mandated by sequestration, the Army, Marine Corps and Air Force decided last month to suspend tuition assistance...

Final Exams: Study, Prepare, Survive

Final Exams: Study, Prepare, Survive

By Davis Hill, Staff Writer March 22, 2013

  Although we no longer have to hunt for food or defend ourselves against marauders, these skills still serve us well in the modern academic wilderness of final examinations. Your finals will...

The "Sacajawea The 'Bird Woman'" statue, under glass in Showalter Hall, was presented to Cheney State Normal School,
a previous name used by Eastern, by the class of 1916.

Letter to the editor: Response to “No salvaging ‘Savages'”

March 16, 2013

Dear Easterner Editor, This letter has been drafted to address a few inaccuracies in the article entitled, "No Salvaging 'Savages'" posted on March 7, 2013. We are a few of the original students involved...


Video games unfairly blamed for violence

March 15, 2013

By Nick Johnson contributing writer [email protected] Whenever there is a teen involved in a shooting, the first thing people seem to point their fingers at are video games. In the wake of...

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