Spring break marks the end of mask mandates

Keri Kelly

Students are gathering at the PUB and eating together. COVID-19 masking will be discontinued after spring break.

By Jazmine Reed, Contributor

The end of the statewide mask mandate is effective March 21, ordered by The Governor. 

But Eastern Washington University won’t lift its mask requirement until after spring break, according to Interim President David May.

Semester programs will return from spring break March 21 and quarter programs on April 4.

EWU is holding off on lifting the mask requirement for quarter programs until April 4 because that is when quarter students will return from spring break. 

Director of Communications and Media Relations Dave Meany said, “We thought it would be more clean,” since the university has had the mask requirement for so long. That way when students return, they know they do not have to wear a mask. 

The university hopes extending the mask requirement on campus to the end of the quarter will make for a smoother transition.

“If this would have happened back in January we probably would have begun allowing no masks sooner,” said Meany. 

The topic of whether or not professors will be able to require masks in their classrooms has not been decided, but will be discussed among University staff. That decision may occur in the second week of March. 

“We do not have a decision on that just yet” said Dave Meany.