ASEWU President Terminated

ASEWU President Terminated

By Randle Kinswa, Managing Editor

On Nov. 2 there was a hearing that took place regarding the fate of now former ASEWU President Grace Nall. 

The complainant party was spearheaded by Finance Vice President, J.T. (Judson) Fillingim, who brought a formal complaint against Nall, and accused the former president of breaking several ASEWU by-laws and ethics violations. 

Along with Fillingim, there were several other members of the ASEWU team, who provided witness statements condemning Nall’s behavior in recent weeks. 

Witness statements for the plaintiff were provided by: Executive Vice President Karina Baum, Legislative Affairs Coordinator Alora Callier, Student Health & Safety Services Coordinator Remington Steelman, and Technology & Advancement Coordinator Spencer Payne.

The accused did not have any witnesses present. 

The ASEWU Superior Court oversaw the hearing, which is made-up of three EWU students: Chief Justice Sydney Bathurst, and Associate Justices Elizabeth Betz and Isabella Roberston. 

Witness testimony from Baum included a scenario where Baum accused Nall of saying she wanted to “punch J.T. (Fillingim) in the face” several times during work hours. Baum also accused Nall of fabricating the amount of time she has been in the office working on a week-to-week basis. 

Witness testimony from Callier included the witness accusing Nall of deliberately pushing to hire her sorority little to a position on ASEWU, as well as accusing Nall of displaying a persona of intimidation that the witness and several other team members felt was a major distraction, and not an attribute that is found in an effective team leader.   

Witness testimony from Steelman included accusing Nall of using the ASEWU printer (which is reserved for ASEWU-related activities), for her and her friends. The witness also mentioned a situation that occurred on Sept. 27th, which was the result of Nall sharing what the witness felt like was a very inappropriate weekend story that could be deemed a negative reflection on ASEWU. 

All three of the above witnesses would mention repeatedly how Nall would twist team members’ words, cause conflict amongst staff members, and would as a sign of eventual intimidation, remind the entire ASEWU team, “Well I’m the President.”

Opening statements from Nall would start off with a personal apology to the entire ASEWU staff about her behavior thus far. She individually apologized to Fillingim for her comment on wanting to punch him in the face. Although Nall would end her opening statement with the claim that Fillingim has been dismissive the entire time they have worked together, and has been terrible to work with. 

Opening statements from Fillingim began with explanation that this formal complaint brought against Nall, was not a “quick or easy decision” and Fillingim appeared to be content with Nall’s personal apology. Yet, Fillingim and other team members felt a formal complaint was ultimately necessary, due to Nall repeatedly breaking both ASEWU by-laws and ethics violations. 

Nall would argue against a majority of the claims that were brought against her. Of the violations that were brought up by the witnesses mentioned above, the major violation Nall argued hard against was the amount of work she has done. Nall claimed that she has been in the office at the very least, the minimal amount of time that is required by a team member. (19-20 hours a week) The one claim Nall did not argue against, was the Sept. 27th incident that Steelman brought to the attention of the Court. 

Closing statements from Fillingim revolved around the one claim Nall argued hard against. Fillingim mentioned the daily work log each member fills out for what they accomplished on a certain day. Fillingim brought to the attention of the Court that there was a specific day where Nall had accomplished three minimal tasks in the span of five hours. 

Nall’s closing statements included a formal apology for her behavior once again, but also claimed she did not break any ASEWU by-laws, but conceded to breaking a few ethics violations. 

The Court would rule later that day to recommend the termination of Nall due to her breaking both by-laws and ethics violations. 

Click on this link to read the official statement ASEWU released regarding the termination of former President Nall. ASEWU Statement- November 8th, 2021

ASEWU will announce their new executive team at some point during this week.