EWU offers faculty-led program to South Africa

EWU Study Abroad
October 31, 2017
Sociology and Justice Studies are offering a faculty-led program to Cape Town, South Africa over spring break. The program will run from March 19 through April 1 and led by sociology department’s Dr. Robert Bartlett and justice studies’ Dr. Kerryn Bell.
“Sharing the diversity of South Africa with students is an opportunity of a lifetime. Something throughout this program that will impact them for the rest of their life,” Bell said.
Bell lived in Africa until she was 11 years old and Bartlett visited Cape Town to work on an agreement with Western Cape University while teaching at Gonzaga University.
“The history of South Africa is still there and evident. Every student will have a life changing moment,” Bartlett said.
Opportunities in the program include: visits to the University of Western Cape and University of Cape Town, guest lectures from local professionals, a public tour of Robben Island, a tour of the District Six Museum and the Bo-Kaap Museum, and Slave Lodge- a workshop with the Cape Town Holocaust Centre.
To participate in this program, students must enroll in one of the two prep classes offered winter quarter including Race and Ethnicity 320 or Comparative CJ Systems 416. Students will receive credit for the course, as well as an additional five credits for attending the trip portion.
Applications and a deposit of $550 are due by Dec. 1, 2017 to attend this trip. Applications can be found on EWU’s study abroad website. The overall program cost is approximately $3,100 plus EWU tuition. Enrollment opens with winter quarter registration.