Police Beat

Illustration by Gail Powers for The Easterner

Illustration by Gail Powers for The Easterner

By Josh Fletcher, News Editor

Drug Possession

November 3

On Friday night while cadets were doing a walk-through of Streeter Hall, they noticed the odor of marijuana on the third floor. When the officer arrived and tried to make contact, nobody was there. The officer came back later and made contact with the resident who agreed to have their room searched. An empty container that smelled like marijuana was found and the underage student was referred to Student Rights and Responsibilities.


Drug Possession

November 3

While cadets were doing their patrols of Morrison Hall they noticed the smell of marijuana on the seventh floor. Officers were called in and asked the resident if they could search the room. After he called his roommate and made sure it was okay for the police officers to search the room, the officers went about their search. Nothing illegal was found in the room, other than the mysterious scent of marijuana.


Liquor Violation

November 4

During the football game Saturday afternoon officers were doing foot patrols in Parking Lot 18. Among the hundreds of tailgaters, officers noticed one male who looked underage drinking from a red solo cup. When the male was approached, officers confirmed it was beer he was drinking and asked to see his ID, to which he claimed he did not have one. After a few more attempts of claiming to have no ID—which was in his pocket the whole time—he presented them his ID showing he was only 18. He was arrested for being a Minor in Possession.


Liquor Violation

November 4

During foot patrols by officers during the football game, they noticed a male vomiting profusely in the back of a truck in Parking Lot 9. Officers approached the tailgate and were unable to have the male perform a breathalyzer test. Cheney Fire Department came to make sure alcohol poisoning was not a threat. The underage male was ultimately released to his father, but charged with being a Minor in Possession.


Liquor Violation/Obstruction of Justice

November 4

EWU Police were flagged down by an EWU employee after they noticed a “very drunk person walking down the sidewalk,” toward Parking Lot 18. The officer tried to make contact with the male, but when he told him to stop he ran away from the officer. After a foot chase and several attempts to get him to stop, the male stopped. After questioning, officers discovered he was underage, smelled very drunk, and blew a .209 on the PBT test—close to three times the legal limit.