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The Easterner

The independent, student-run news site of Eastern Washington University.

The Easterner

The independent, student-run news site of Eastern Washington University.

The Easterner

Cinco de Mayo evokes culture

Cinco de Mayo evokes culture

By Rebekah Frank, Staff Wrtier May 14, 2014

On May 7 EWU students, faculty and community members gathered around the campus mall dancing, singing and enjoying the celebration of Cinco de Mayo as they shared snow cones and listened to the live...

Diversity Week sets stage for uncomfortable topics

Diversity Week sets stage for uncomfortable topics

By Alla Drokina, Eagle Life Writer May 14, 2014

  Most people tend to run from what makes them uncomfortable, and this year’s Diversity Week is about facing a certain kind of discomfort. This is the third year EWU will host Diversity...

Graduating students talk the walk

Graduating students talk the walk

May 14, 2014

By Katie Dunn contributing writer [email protected]   As commencement day approaches with its promise of black polyester robes, mortarboards and a sense of closure, graduating students...

Vanessa Moss (center) was nominated for the Lavender Ally Award on May 1 at the Lavender Graduation.

Pride Center celebrates high school, university students

By Jaclyn Archer, Eagle Life Editor May 9, 2014

Singing, poetry, spoken word and a celebrity guest speaker — these were all elements of this year’s annual Lavender Graduation, held May 1 in Showalter Auditorium. “It’s a celebration that we...

Conference workshops explain unfairness in justice system

Conference workshops explain unfairness in justice system

May 9, 2014

By Fetlew Gebreziabher contributing writer [email protected] Did you know that students of color make up 70 percent of school arrests and referrals? This is one of the issues that will be...

Chinese language course option returns to Eastern

Chinese language course option returns to Eastern

May 8, 2014

By Kailee Dunn   Starting fall quarter of 2014, EWU’s modern language program will offer the sequence classes Chinese 101-103. Course instructor Chiu-Hsin Lin said the classes will focus on speaking...


Women’s studies center hosts interactive workshops on campus

May 7, 2014

By Rebekah Frank   During this past winter quarter, many students, faculty members and community members filled the EWU Women’s Studies Center to learn how to work together toward a common goal. The...

Alumnus develops passion while at EWU

Alumnus develops passion while at EWU

May 7, 2014

By Rebekah Frank   EWU alumnus Randy Robbins shares his life with people through a microphone every time he produces a song. Robbins, who graduated from EWU with a degree in communications, came...

Roller derby girls jam and block in URC

Roller derby girls jam and block in URC

By Kailee Dunn, Eagle Life Writer April 30, 2014

  In a combination of hockey and football, roller derby brings a whole new level to contact sports. Women of opposing teams pushed and shoved for the purpose of allowing another teammate to get...

Seattle band sets thumping beats for Pride Week

Seattle band sets thumping beats for Pride Week

April 30, 2014

By Rebekah Frank   On April 24, students and faculty gathered around the lounge by the bookstore and bobbed their heads along with Go Periscope’s electronica indie-rock vibes. Go Periscope...

Small town continues work to rebuild cultural center through fundraising

Small town continues work to rebuild cultural center through fundraising

April 30, 2014

By Rebekah Frank   EWU graduate student Rebecca Hardy has been involved in helping restore an opera house to the town of Harrington, Washington. In the little town of Harrington, with no more than...

‘Julius Caesar’ takes a stand on Eastern’s campus

‘Julius Caesar’ takes a stand on Eastern’s campus

By Jaclyn Archer, Eagle Life Writer April 25, 2014

On April 24 at 7:30 p.m., the theater capstone class will present their rendition of Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” at the EWU Theatre. Theater students carried out every aspect of this production...

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