Construction on the PUB opening fall of 2018. EWU is seeking suggestions and student involvement | Sarah Giomi for The Easterner
November 2, 2017
Students gathered around the Pence Union Building Mall on Monday, October 30, to learn more about the upcoming renovations to the student union at the event, “Putting the ‘U’ in Union.”
The event was hosted by the PUB administration, with hopes to involve students in the construction project and be a part of enhancing the university.
“We are excited to see how the renovated building and augmented services will contribute to the EWU student experience,” PUB Director Daniel Clapp said.
Clapp and administration provided hot drinks for students to enjoy while looking at floor plans, answered questions, and met those involved with the construction project.
“I’m looking forward to the opening of the PUB,” said junior Kyla Trias. “It’s exciting knowing there will be somewhere new to study and make memories my senior year.”
The PUB will reopen in Fall 2018, and administration hopes to host more events to promote student involvement in the construction project.
The renovation expands 4,000-square-feet to the previous design built in 1968 with aspects suggested by the students themselves, including safety, sustainability and a well-lit, open floor plan.
“EWU is really embracing student involvement by including student suggestions in the remodel and hosting events to see floor plans, and what is actually being built on campus,” said junior Mekaelah Mayovsky. “It makes students feel heard and [feel like] an important part of the university.”
Staff and faculty hope to encourage students to leave a legacy in the new student union. The afternoon’s event is just the beginning of enhancing student impact on university projects and throughout campus at EWU.
For more questions about the construction of the PUB, contact Daniel Clapp at [email protected].