EWU student represents Cheney at USA pageant

Ashané Davis

By Sam Jackson, Staff Reporter

EWU student, Ashané Davis, is competing for the Miss Washington USA pageant on Nov. 4 and representing the title of Miss Cheney USA.

She is a junior, majoring in Psychology and double-minoring in Criminal Justice and Africana Studies. She currently works with behaviorally challenged, developmentally delayed and at risk youth. She really likes her line of work so far and wants to continue in that field after she graduates.

The pageant will be held Nov. 4- 5 at The Highline Performing Arts Center in Burien, Washington. Davis has an interview over the phone on Nov. 4 and the show begins on Nov. 5.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for each contestant to improve upon her inner-personal life success and interview skills needed for today’s demanding goals and challenges,” according to the Miss Washington USA website.

There are many reasons why she wants to compete, but Davis has specifically always had an interest in pageants.

“I want to make a difference and having that title is a great way to spread my message and implement my platforms,” said Davis. “I also like the glitz that comes along with it. Even as a little girl, I loved dressing up.”

Contestants choose platforms pertaining to causes they care about. Davis’ first platform is ‘loving yourself’.

“I want young ladies to know that they are beautiful and that self-love is important,” said Davis. “The slogan I use is, ‘Know your worth. Then add tax.’”

This platform continues with Davis’ goal of being a role model.

“I want to be the role model that young ladies look up to and think, she’s doing this and so can I,” said Davis. “My main goal is to inspire young ladies to do whatever their hearts desire. They just need to take the first step.”

The other platform she is involved with is called GirlTrek, a nonprofit organization. GirlTrek is based out of Washington D.C. but has chapters all over the nation. She is working on bringing a chapter to EWU.

“GirlTrek promotes the health and physical fitness of black women across the country,” said Davis. “GirlTrek encourages black women to get together and walk or get active for at least 30 minutes a day because when black women walk, things change.”

This organization has over 112,000 members pledging to walk their neighborhood every Saturday promoting others to join as well.

“Our mission is to pioneer a health movement for African-American women and girls grounded in civil rights history and principles through walking campaigns, community leadership, and health advocacy,” according to the GirlTrek website.

“Even if I don’t win I want to leave my mark, be an inspiration and get my message out,” said Davis.