Prospective clinic planned for Cheney

By Katie Dunn, Staff Writer

The Cheney City Council approved resolution E-251 on Sept. 23 to support the plans of Community Health Association of Spokane (CHAS) to build a health center in town, The Cheney Free Press reported.

“That’s as far as we’ve gotten,” said Kelly Halverson, CHAS communications manager.

According to Halverson, no official location or opening date has been decided because CHAS is still waiting on approval of the new clinic from their own board members, but there will be more information available in November.

CHAS is a federally qualified nonprofit health center that offers medical, dental, pharmaceutical and behavioral health services, according to the CHAS website.

The CHAS website shows they have 10 centers in the Inland Northwest, five are in Spokane.

Carol Gahl, EWU’s student health coordinator and Cheney Rockwood health clinic provider, said she did not believe CHAS would take away Rockwood’s business.

“CHAS charges a fee for your visit, so it’s based on your income,” said Gahl. “… Most students don’t have very much income, but usually there is still some sort of fee you have to pay, especially if they have to do any laboratory or X-ray services.”

According to Student Financial Services, full-time students are charged $87.94 each quarter as part of Eastern’s Comprehensive Health and Wellness program. The money is divided between Rockwood and Eastern campus services such as counseling and psychological.

Gahl said full-time students pay Rockwood approximately $43 each quarter for the comprehensive insurance plan which covers the majority of basic labs and X-rays.

“CHAS [has] a special niche for patients and I think that would be good for the community, especially for lower-income people,” said Gahl.