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The independent, student-run news site of Eastern Washington University.

The Easterner

The independent, student-run news site of Eastern Washington University.

The Easterner

The independent, student-run news site of Eastern Washington University.

The Easterner

Letters to the Editor

The Easterner is now accepting letters to the editor.

Priority will be given to letters written by EWU students, faculty and staff on current events. Publication is solely at the editor’s discretion.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Letters should be, at maximum, 500 words long. Any exceptions will be made at the discretion of the editors. We reserve the right to edit all letters submitted for brevity, content and clarity. The Easterner uses the AP Stylebook as a guide.
  • The writer must include full name, year and major if a student, professional title if an EWU employee, and city if a Washington resident. For verification purposes, students must also supply a phone number, which will not be published. E-mail addresses will be included with letters published in the web edition.
  • Contributors are limited to one letter every 30 days. 

Content Guidelines:

Letters are usually selected based on campus concerns, local Cheney/Spokane County issues, Washington issues, national and world issues.

  • We do not publish individual consumer complaints about specific businesses.
  • We do not publish submissions from groups endorsing political candidates (though discussion of candidates and campaign issues is allowed).
  • We do not publish letters detailing personal vendettas or issues.
  • Letters to the editor written for class assignments must be relevant to campus issues in order to be published.
  • Please suggest a headline for your work. This may be changed prior to publishing.

All letters become the property of The Easterner. You may not publish elsewhere without permission of the editor. An exception to this is other student media outlets.

All comments and opinions in signed columns are those of the author and not necessarily of The Easterner staff, its advisors or EWU, and do not reflect the views of the faculty, staff, student body or the Board of Publications. They do not reflect the views of The Easterner, but instead offer a differing viewpoint.

Please send your submission to: