ASEWU meeting times inconsistent due to classes

By Kalli Wolf, Staff Writer

ASEWU holds six council meetings each quarter, all of which are open to the public; however, these meetings are not held at consistent times, nor posted on the ASEWU website.

ASEWU President Kyle Dodson said council meetings generally cover order of business such as issues and proposals or money requests from clubs and organizations. “Just in-house stuff as well as stuff that people bring to us,” Dodson said.

Clubs and organizations at EWU are required to attend a certain amount of ASEWU council meetings in order to stay in good standing and be eligible to receive funding for trips or events. He said these meetings give clubs and organizations, as well as the community of Eastern, an opportunity to bring forth proposals regarding supplemental funding requests.

ASEWU has two types of meetings: work sessions and council sessions. The work meetings are aimed for figuring things out within ASEWU, such as funding approvals. The council meetings are where voting takes place and legislation is passed. The work sessions allow for the members of ASEWU to be on the same page and know what they are voting for, which minimizes discrepancies within council meetings.

“With our schedules changing we’re never on a consistent meeting cycle because we are students [first] and then we are representatives,” Dodson said.

ASEWU must register for their classes and then submit their schedules to their council clerk who identifies a time they can all meet. “Past quarters we have had our work sessions at 7:30 in the morning because we can’t meet any other time during the day,” said Dodson. “We all have to have one hour of free time, so it never is the same,” he said, which is where the inconsistency comes from.

ASEWU is required to have six council meetings throughout the quarter, with the exception of special sessions. If something drastic comes up that needs to be answered immediately, ASEWU will address it through a special session. However, they are required to have a matching number of work sessions, so with each special session added, a work session must be added to the schedule as well. “Work sessions come on the front end and whatever we work out is then settled in a council meeting,” Dodson said.

As for the website, Dodson said none of the representatives are up to date on the editing of the website for a variety of reasons. For up to date information, students should visit ASEWU’s OrgSync page. Rather than leaving it in the hands of an advisor to make all of the necessary changes, ASEWU is able to make the changes on the OrgSync page themselves and then ask for approval from the administrator, who can easily approve with just the click of a button.

“Our website is where our hiccups are,” Dodson said, and he urged students to stay up to date on OrgSync. Dodson said he encourages students to attend ASEWU council meetings and contact anyone from ASEWU for meeting information.