“Everest” leaves viewers breathless

By Joe Matthews, Staff Writer

We as human beings have always loved to push ourselves to the brink, until we cannot hold on any longer, until we must stop for that last breath of fresh air. And if there was ever a feat so tremendous as to make us second guess what was humanly possible, summiting Everest takes the cake.

With little to no oxygen at the altitude of 29,029 feet, raging winds and temperatures that drop below -40 degrees Celsius, it is a remarkable accomplishment to reach the top. People try to summit the mountain every year and fall victim to these harsh conditions. The movie “Everest” is a true story based on the book “Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer, which retells his personal account of the tragedy that occurred on May 10, 1996 as he and a crew sought to conquer Mother Nature’s greatest challenge.

For the most part, “Everest” is a compelling story of survival and what it means to truly test the capabilities of humankind. The only real flaw is that it completely lacks character development. The usual development displayed in historical movies helps us connect with the characters more and, though we know the ending, we are still able to feel the pain or happiness that is portrayed. Instead, with “Everest,” what should be a tear-jerking last phone call between a climber and a loved one ends up being a little shallow due to the lack of development. With a studded cast including Emily Watson, Jake Gyllenhaal, Keira Knightley and John Hawkes, “Everest” could have had us weeping if the first 20 minutes had been bolstered.

Nonetheless, “Everest” is able to overcome the shaky beginning and take us on an adventure that is as terrifying as it is beautiful. With incredible cinematography “Everest” is a sight to behold. The panoramic views, the visual effects and the images displayed all put the mountain, and the task of climbing it, into perspective.

Even with the non-existent character development, by the time the movie reaches the riveting climax you will be on the edge of your seat wondering how much more you can take. From the minute the journey begins to the final seconds of the descent a roller coaster of emotion floods the viewer as the love, the peril, the triumph and the heartbreak all set in at once.

After it is over, the power of “Everest” lingers. Not only the emotional toll, but the fact that after all the advanced technologies, all the discoveries that we have made, we are still no match for the wrath of Mother Nature.

While “Everest” could have used more development, it still makes for a captivating film. It respectfully pays tribute to those lost on the mountain and shows us how strong man’s will to survive really is. Extremely intense and incredibly gorgeous, the film will treat you like the mountain treats its climbers. Step by step you will make it, but once you have reached the end, you will be left gasping for air.